Role: Writer / Publisher
Challenges: Historical fiction can be as tricky as science fiction in its own way. It’s fascinating research to delve into, but the more you read, the more you realize we don’t know about the time period, and the reality of what we do know is that it’s a very different world, and difficult for a modern audience to relate to. Structures no longer exist, sources can be difficult to interpret and cross-reference. Then the narrative has to be pitched such that it’s clear we’re having fun with the subject, and that despite some fanciful elements, it’s faithful to reality, even when it isn’t perfectly factual.
Results: The screenplay version of Burning Down won an Honorable Mention in the 2018 Zed Fest Screenplay Competition, and the original Nick Gauntlet novella was included in a scholarly list of Medieval Crime Fiction by Anne McKendry as part of an analysis of this emerging genre.